Animate, Inanimate Aims

By Brenda Iijima


Litmus Press
Original Language(s)
Additional Credits
Cover Art by Brenda Iijima, Design by HVA Design
Art, Hybrid Forms, Poetry
Edition, Year
First Edition, 2007
In Print

Animate, Inanimate Aims is a long poem with 23 titled sections, which addresses the current ecological crisis and the legacies of capitalism and colonialism. Incantatory, witnessing, and urgent in its message, the poem is bookended by a series of Iijima’s drawings and collages that illuminate a sensorium of “Spectral graffiti” where “Ostensibly / The world / Gestured the matador.”

Brenda Iijima
Brenda Iijima’s involvements occur at the intersections and mutations of poetry, research movement, visual arts, floral and faunal studies and ecological sociology. She is the author of seven full-length collections of poetry, including Remembering Animals Read More

 …a call to creative endeavor analogous to the imagination needed for an evolution of ecological thinking and action.

Thomas Fink, Jacket2


Praise for Animate, Inanimate Aims

Drawing the Animate, Inanimate Aims together, they settle into difference. With subtle contagion of body as structured text, titled ligatures in the midst, thick with emotional matériel, Brenda Iijima’s work rhymes—off or near—sight as sound. Nature for culture, culture as nature, “we/ can play school under a tree” or at war. Breaking and building in twitchy compression, the way Marie Menken’s hand-held camera swings, framed and fabulous, this exuberant tragic book of drawings and poems will hook you.

— Norma Cole

A kind of necessity is created here for saying, rejuvenating myths, turning anger into jouissance, making thoughts a river of light… Beware: we won’t be chagrined anymore; such subversion is the changing of the world.

— Etel Adnan

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